I walk alone in freedom without the crowds of boozers down a narrow path to a new and better life called being sober planning to improve our lives and relapse is a lousy plan that destroys our society. This is happening in the midst of their ruin as well as our own lives. Chatting a billion words of recovery and a billion methods tried, failed, and rejected offers with another binge as our own choice. It all can end by our choice to stay sober and struggle daily to stay that way. We took the time to plan a sober life to stay away from the temptation of the bad annoying thoughts of it then we walked away from the comforts of a sober life to step into the misery of addictions use but only one cure exists and that is for users to live sober. We will never improve by refusing to live a sober life and no one said it will be easy but not difficult either. We have spent close to half of our work day focusing on our job and the other half making plans for the weekend and trying to decide if we can afford to spend enough money at a club for a few hours holding off paying a bill to have more money to spend on booze and pot. Millions of down and out boozers regret choosing this life and no turning back for many of them but not all. Do you want to be one of the millions of followers? Millions of lives are ruined by booze but one person can save millions of lives by inviting them to live in their sober world. Many issues come in large amounts but few people can solve their problems if they could there would be no more boozers and their misery is gone and no more need for the booze and the best life is next called being sober. I got tired of the beaten path following a long line of boozers so I walked away and started my own path to freedom and happiness.

Don’t follow boozers walk alone and stay sober

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.