Looking back at the cause of the problem and find a solution. A plan with the energy to get it solved. How did it start? I was never interested in marriage. Being a writer is my focus. Some people are not people-esque. Therefore I don’t fit in. A wandering writer is my place in life. Taking a course on how to survive a marriage is preparing us for the worst. Now we know what is ahead of us. Do you still want to be married? Not being prepared is like walking down the street with our eyes closed. Go in reverse to the beginning and get prepared. Learn how to solve issues before they happen. Because we know they will arrive. Not knowing when. Be into solving problems not into a worst case scenario marriage. Ending addictions can make a huge difference in itself. Oftentimes our frustration isn’t caused in a marriage. Perhaps in ourselves forcing ourselves to live a life we wished we never started. Go back to being single. To an interest you got depressed by giving up. Start again and plan a happier future.

see ya’ next time


A group of ex-boozers walk away from addictions and into a better way of life. Revelations of a prayer meeting session. Revival bound mission begun to convert the world. Low glow of the morning sun energized people arriving. With happiness that addictions is far behind them. Look back and learn from your mistakes but don’t repeat them. Their free-spirited gatherings includes dancing and playing guitar and singing songs. Tells how high on life itself can be an inspiration. Discover it. Live it daily. In the songs sung in the misty morning meadow they sang that Jesus is more powerful than a dose of booze. Their following increased. Each morning they returned to the misty morning meadow and never to booze again. Better to improve the mind than killing it off. Reflections of Jesus and their new life. And the music played on. Energized outings in the cool mornings of spring. Dancing in the heat of the flaming sun. Singing songs about Jesus. “In a jingle jangle morning I’ll come following you”

see ya’ next time


We have joyous moods as the party continues. Slowing to grieve as we hide our faces from ourselves. We get drunk on whiskey then travel to the riverside. Looking down at the black water trying to understand the thoughts in our mind. Confusion and fear and doubt if this life will end. As long as the alcohol continues to flow so does the price we pay to the creator of our misery. We paid the price. Take what you paid for. Paid for with our Flesh,Blood,Soul and Brain. End up in limbo or the cemetery. Going back for more is fuel on the fire. Addictions is a pleasure palace of grief inside our twisted minds. With a strange sense of loyalty. Skull and crossbones buried into our soul. Going back to the scene of horrors. Free ourselves from the tyrant addictions is. We become squeezed and twisted and shaped into an unfamiliar person. To obey unbearable commands. To live in the future struggling to find an escape. Reaching for the Bible desperate for Jesus to save us.

With this joyous beginning. This party never ends.

see ya’ next time