With speed to arrive at a party to buy whatever to satisfy a craving to kill off our brain. How much more of your brain do you have left? Why don’t you care? The frantic searches are endless. No small amount can satisfy the craving for the life of danger. The constant rush of every dose and there is never enough. We live a strange life with an odd mix of needs, wants, and reasons. Three lists that will create the most tragic stories that all have one thing in common. All created by the twisted minds consuming endless addictions. All scenarios have different details but one question is placed on the markers of the dead: Why’d he do this? His way of giving advice to the curious first time user. won’t listen? Why not? Tragic tales and endings are heard every day and still a large following. Why? Blinded by the neon lights and the glamor of a great high. The rush keeps on coming and no end in sight. Passed out in the shadows waking up with your brain half-dead. Why do we ignore the safety when we know how dangerous addictions are? The real tragedy is not caring enough about ourselves to turn away. You don’t care? You must. It’s your life, your body, your brain. You can’t replace it. You say you have heard many stories about drug disasters and still you go out and take more. Maybe you are too far gone and nothing left to save. If this is you nothing can save you. Quit before it’s too late. Better yet don’t ever start. Why do you want to end up a disaster? Mumbling to yourself? Madness. Whatever happens in the midst and ending of a binge we have us to blame and no one else.

We put careful selection in the drugs we choose but no concern for our health.

see ya’ next time


We go in search for an understanding of ourselves we never had and won’t find it in crowds of failures. Go with the riches of books instead of entering into the pointless life of addictions. Avoid worn out connections with mates who only abuse you. We started to attend gatherings for a social life first the booze then fall in love with strange people. More booze more strange as it goes. Not long after you are running for your life. Hardships of the road and crying in the dark hiding in a cemetery with the storm clouds coming. To escape an unsafe boozer. We spent time in our secret thoughts what we wanted to do later in years then feeling upset we never pursued what we planned. Feeling more angry that we ended up in the worst lifestyle on earth. There are sober social groups out there. Being sober they will be tame instead of dangerous. Why does it take so long to decide to change? Why not after the first binge? No glitter in the life of booze. All dreams and smiles and total happiness with a few drinks wore off for one mate or both. The one thing is for sure we can’t get into a career with a booze problem so total sobriety is a must. Forget about mates just focus on a sober life for awhile. When you get a new mate and he offers you a drink make it a coffee drink. This way we will get what we expect to find. A relaxed life with every day being the same. Living this solitary life never fails. Your tears will dry up.

Booze: Just one more failure in a life filled with failures.

see ya’ next time


We create evil worlds inside our head full of hardship and we get a thrill from them. We never tell a soul about them keeping them all locked up inside. Waiting for the time to gather watching in the night planning the next binge. Pouring endless amounts of booze and drugs into our brain wasting away our good health because it’s fun to do so. As we sit around very drunk and choke and suffocate and strangle ourselves until our last gasp of breath. The tight grip is loosened at the last second so we can survive this strange ordeal. Fun to do? This is the ultimate sin. Can it be worse? With addictions use there is no worse way to destroy ourselves. With too much booze in our bodies we would have so little memory of it. To destroy ourselves little by little is the ultimate thrill? We have little value with nothing to lose? Why not be concerned? Why is drinking the best fun in the world to some people? No respect? No safety? No smarts? You don’t need to hear about the details in your morning after. You have been through enough. Booze can make you do strange things. Is this the fun part? Destroying ourselves is the worst sin we can do. Think about it. Why not? Addictions will kill off the brain, the body, and our thinking process. We won’t be able to think anymore just stare straight ahead in a trance. Nothing is worse.

Start living sober and experience the ultimate life

see ya’ next time