Every year as a boozer I don’t see where the happiness fits in. All the addictions we consume is not full of happy times just moments of nonsense and making fools of ourselves pretending and bragging about it that it is. The word new is not new either. Shouting happy new year is seeing the past year of hardship come to an end. As long as you carry on as a boozer nothing new and happy will ever happen. Does it make you more happy than sobriety? Not for me or any other boozer I have seen. To prove you are the person you cannot be. But you can. Sobriety and the study of morality will fix that. Better impressions will be made from it and better years ahead. The life of booze is no easy ride so why do it. People choose sobriety because they are smarter and enjoy this for several years. A good feeling that they are finally learning how to relax and having a latte in their morning routine is good enough for anyone. Creates many happy memories and no two mornings are ever the same. If you have fifty sober days you will learn as many impressing things about your own mind. These plans can be made in time for the start of the new year. Why not today? You had your share of hardship so it’s time to leave it all behind you. For the next holiday party forget the booze stop for latte on your way there. A sober life is where it’s at not being hungover crying about your life.

Live a sober life and be happy and new for the first time in your life.

see ya’ next time


We all wonder about ourselves with no plans to save us as we sink deeper into depression. What will become of this worthless soul. Can it be saved or is it the end. Addictions will keep us chained to this misery desperate to break away but will never happen with our total weakness of our mind, body, and soul. We used up all our energy and smarts and the booze dried it up. Wanting to end this grief will motivate us to stay sober for life. Your present life and the future is your debate now not the morning after and where your next binge will happen. The moral life is there to help us mature and act sensible. The sober life will protect us from the evils of the world that stalk us. Both are concerned about us when no one else is. A good life is hidden inside of morality and sobriety we need to stay with it until we find it. Within its dark tunnels our improvement is waiting. We will walk these dark tunnels for the rest of our lives and witness the changes that will keep happening to us. The bright light of a sensible life will help us find our way. The rest of the world will follow behind us as we show them how to find a sober life. Sobriety is a leadership for others to follow us is better than being down and out wishing we were dead. Walk away and never look back.

Sobriety and morality will save the world when they choose to live it.

see ya’ next time


Other miserable men, when they are thrown into prison, if they are robbed of the beauty of the world, are at least safe, in some measure, from the world’s most deadly slings, most awful arrows. They can hide in the darkness of their cells, and of their very disgrace make a mode of sanctuary. The world having had its will, goes its way, and they are left to suffer undisturbed. With me it has been different. Sorrow after sorrow has come beating at the prison doors in search of me. They have opened the gates wide and let them in. The messenger of death has brought me his tidings and gone his way, and in entire solitude, and isolated from all that could give me comfort, or suggest relief, I have to bear the intolerable burden of misery and remorse that the memory of my mother placed upon me, and places on me still. That is and always will remain to me a source of infinite distress, of infinite pain, of grief without end or limit. Now I find hidden away in my nature something that tells me that nothing in the whole world is meaningless, and suffering least of all. That something hidden away in my nature, like a treasure in a field, is humility. And the end of it all is that I have got to forgive you. I must do so.


see ya’ next time