A new year means an improved year is planned. Going out on New Year’s Eve for the traditional year end binge is nothing new. The same plan as other years is to drink and live the same worn out plan to make fools of yourself. What is going to be new? Coming home drunk, getting up in the morning hungover, your mate nags at you to do work around the house. Wash the car, clean out the dog coop, milk the cows and grumbling the whole time you are doing them. Hurry up and finish then on your way to the next binge. No grumbling about it I’ll bet. Then the group of friends gather complaining about your mates making you do essential jobs at home like washing your laundry that you left go for three weeks and also yourself. You don’t need a new year you need a new you. Your personality and your attitude is also becoming a problem. This has been going on for years. Haven’t you gotten tired of living this way? Washed out a few articles of clothing for the evening out. Socks are still a little damp, pants not dry enough still damp around the waistband and sticks to the skin when wearing them. In a hurry you wash the dog blanket with your dress shirts then you’ll walk around smelling like the dog. Still hungover mistaking the box of cat litter for laundry soap then wash your bed sheets and never notice it.

How many other odd creations are you going to invent in the coming year?

. The pleasures of addictions? Have a Happy New Year.

. see ya’ next time


The last binge beneath a cold midnight moon in the final hours then to our death with the rising sun. Thoughts and reflections from the living has begun. What will be my strange future when I look deep into my eyes? What sinful truth will be revealed there? The mirror reflection of your evil and useless soul left to the worms as they slowly eat away at your flesh. Emptiness of the skull now the resting place for the worms to reside. The rising of the sun worms and bugs begin their feast again as another boozer died after his last breath. Booze will kill us all only to become the food for many strange looking worms. Booze destroyed our soul and created our misery and to fall to our death and liquor becomes the winning contender. Only a few fragments of flesh and bone is all that is left now. The worms have moved on to the next boozer who lays dead next to his party friend. From the start of booze and into a failing life to the final collapse to the ground and then we become cold and dead.

Many people will gaze at the decayed and worm eaten remains with a lesson learned not to use addictions. A sign is placed beside the remains that reads:

. “I said no to sobriety”

. see ya’ next time


Getting involved with addictions and the wrong crowd the more chances you will take. They will encourage you to try new experiences. Only a select few are singled out. Now you know why you were invited. Especially when you go home in worse condition compared to all the others. Keep this in mind the next time you get invited by a strange group of party goers. Strange experiences will happen. We need to be creative inventing new ideas on how to stay addictions free and keep our minds from the thoughts of it. Improving our lives will take time and we need to stay in quality environments find new friends and the new life will come easier. We will discover better experiences in our new life after leaving all the bad elements in our lives at the curb. Always look for changes that will make your life worth living again. Sobriety is the place to find it.

. Start attending prayer meetings and you will meet a better class of people

It is always a good idea to have one good friend than having many of the wrong ones.

. Create a group of quality friends not a quantity of bad elements. When you break up with your mate give the reason “I finally became sensible”. All boozers are strange people with peculiar ideas. I have seen many people like this in my lifetime.

. see ya’ next time



Remove many flaws in your life and you will have a simple relaxed enjoyable life. It is important to recognize what useless clutter is and discard it. Living within too many relationships will cause stress and anger toward yourself for accepting the wrong life and the fear that there is no way out and more anger that you will need to leave it all behind. Create a comfortable life staying single is the main focus. Relationships isn’t for everyone. Don’t believe or trust or follow what you read in romance novels. Real life relationships are never perfect as they are in our imagination. Being sober and single is designed for those who wants to live without restrictions. Struggling with a marriage, a lot of stress and a drinking problem that happened after you got married. This scenario is very common. Decide to walk away from all this. Time to think of yourself and relax and stay away from all addictions and all the worries of our lives.

. Sobriety is the perfect life for every person

. see ya’ next time


How can people live with themselves carrying bitterness around 24/7. Do anything with your life but drink and do drugs. Too much serious living and not enough fun. Live a carefree life and forget all the disasters. End the staggering, constant ill feeling and complaining. Sobriety makes a better life. Stagger to rehab and never drink again. We all try to hide our failures without success. Appear silly in our clumsy attempts. Why not learn to avoid them? Staying sober is the only solution. Does this make sense? Confidence we can find big successful moments in our efforts. With sobriety all our efforts to overcome any issue will become successful. Act and speak like a sober human instead of a drunken mixed up fool. Who can enjoy this kind of life? Don’t make a career out of making a fool of yourself. Every morning when I see the sunrise I feel gratitude that my drinking issues are finally over. When we look for a friend in life that will stay loyal to us and always be there to help us. It is your Bible. People change the printed page doesn’t. Sensibility, morality and spirituality has replaced the devil’s folly. This is a changing society. More people are giving up addictions for better things to do. Giving up the ghost means they no longer believe they can do it successfully. Try very hard to succeed but all our attempts ended in failure so we give up trying. Sobriety is much easier to live with than addictions. No more hardship just pleasant living. We find big rewards living sober it is a great victory.

. What did addictions offer us besides grief?

. see ya’ next time


Leave all our addictions aside and experience peace of mind. Forget the alcohol for the holiday dinner and the New Years eve binge. Staying home for the holidays is a tradition in itself to a lot of people. Time to enjoy their lives when everything has slowed down. All during the rest of the year it’s like living in a storm. The holidays is the calm after the storm. Time to relax and be serene. We all think of having a party when the holiday arrives. Getting drunk several times during the year the holidays should be a time for total sobriety. Enjoy the time away from the crazy everyday life. Give a better party one that you will enjoy and will come back for more. Have a coffee party. A safer way to enjoy life. A more pleasant high than booze.

Brew your coffee the way you usually do and put it in a glass jar and chill it overnight. This is a better party drink. Drink espresso when you go out for latte.

Enjoy the party.

see ya’ next time


