How can people live with themselves carrying bitterness around 24/7. Do anything with your life but drink and do drugs. Too much serious living and not enough fun. Live a carefree life and forget all the disasters. End the staggering, constant ill feeling and complaining. Sobriety makes a better life. Stagger to rehab and never drink again. We all try to hide our failures without success. Appear silly in our clumsy attempts. Why not learn to avoid them? Staying sober is the only solution. Does this make sense? Confidence we can find big successful moments in our efforts. With sobriety all our efforts to overcome any issue will become successful. Act and speak like a sober human instead of a drunken mixed up fool. Who can enjoy this kind of life? Don’t make a career out of making a fool of yourself. Every morning when I see the sunrise I feel gratitude that my drinking issues are finally over. When we look for a friend in life that will stay loyal to us and always be there to help us. It is your Bible. People change the printed page doesn’t. Sensibility, morality and spirituality has replaced the devil’s folly. This is a changing society. More people are giving up addictions for better things to do. Giving up the ghost means they no longer believe they can do it successfully. Try very hard to succeed but all our attempts ended in failure so we give up trying. Sobriety is much easier to live with than addictions. No more hardship just pleasant living. We find big rewards living sober it is a great victory.

. What did addictions offer us besides grief?

. see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.