A new year means an improved year is planned. Going out on New Year’s Eve for the traditional year end binge is nothing new. The same plan as other years is to drink and live the same worn out plan to make fools of yourself. What is going to be new? Coming home drunk, getting up in the morning hungover, your mate nags at you to do work around the house. Wash the car, clean out the dog coop, milk the cows and grumbling the whole time you are doing them. Hurry up and finish then on your way to the next binge. No grumbling about it I’ll bet. Then the group of friends gather complaining about your mates making you do essential jobs at home like washing your laundry that you left go for three weeks and also yourself. You don’t need a new year you need a new you. Your personality and your attitude is also becoming a problem. This has been going on for years. Haven’t you gotten tired of living this way? Washed out a few articles of clothing for the evening out. Socks are still a little damp, pants not dry enough still damp around the waistband and sticks to the skin when wearing them. In a hurry you wash the dog blanket with your dress shirts then you’ll walk around smelling like the dog. Still hungover mistaking the box of cat litter for laundry soap then wash your bed sheets and never notice it.

How many other odd creations are you going to invent in the coming year?

. The pleasures of addictions? Have a Happy New Year.

. see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.