Deep inside our minds we feel hopeless and don’t measure up to society but fit in perfectly with being careless and destroying our lives. This is strange. We have low opinions and intense fear and failure and can’t be intimate in any way. We feel insecure and self-hating becoming a nervous wreck. We fail in every attempt to improve ourselves because we don’t try hard enough and stay with it for a long time. Give it time. Results will come. Addictions use is populated with real victims not some made up story in a book. Escaping into drug trips to get away from realty that we don’t have the smarts to live it. As the guilt increases so does the doses. This kind of thinking is so common and very real. As a boozer I kept thinking there is a way out of this life. Thinking it should be a constant party. The fall will come. The trap door will cave in and we will land onto the surface of a hard reality. A lesson learned and over with as long as we stay sober. What problems can sobriety cause? problems? Study them. Learn to solve them. Put some smarts in your life. Be a mentor. Improve not shame yourself. Throw out the worthless thoughts and replace it with an intelligent subject. Learn music. Learn to perform it. Your ideas don’t work out so well so try it my way. Stay sober and your self-worth will return and the emptiness inside never will again. There is no way to enjoy the life of booze and not your sober life. Stop being another failure on your already impressive list of failures.

I live sobriety my way and I never have any problems. Try it my way?

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.