Constant search for the cause and methods of prevention is what it’s all about. Search and find to rescue what’s left worth saving. Not only from addictions but also from our character. To rescue us from the torment of our lives. Internal madness is much more common than it should be. Running wild and don’t care? In time our minds grind to a screeching halt and fade to dust. Scenario of a life that nobody remembers or cares about. Our last Rites for the Lost Soul has begun. All that remains is the reflection of the reading. Departing to return to our normal lives we think about the careless life the Lost Soul left behind. To see a reflection in ourselves and a similar ending. We struggle to escape the disaster the life of addictions will turn us into. The fear begins with constant grief. many sleepless nights will follow and as many nightmares to come. where do I find the solutions to save me? The frantic search to save himself the race is on. Will I find it in time? Pleading for comfort to ease his troubled mind. Convinced his time is running short as he remembers the final moments of the Lost Soul and many before him. Thoughts of the possibility of following in his footsteps. more frightening is that he lived a similar life. Days have past and no solutions to be found. Could it be the final hours? What could save him now in his desperate hour of need? Constant need of Booze and the trust to get him through the stresses of life. Now he will trust the advice of a friend he ignored. Will he find him in time? He may. Will he save himself at the same time? Stay with addictions and become a Lost Soul. We have a choice. What’s yours?

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.