Fragments of knowledge meandering in our midst. With lessons learned from our mistakes of the past. The years are long gone but the joyous memories and the bitter moments will always remain. The story of life may not be a pleasant one at times as long as it’s true. We live a better life when it’s filled with truth. Is always best to live an honest life. Never be dishonest about ourselves.

I’m the one that’s got to die when it’s time for me to let me live my life the way I want to. The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye. Until we meet again.

lyrics by Jimi Hendrix

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.