Its up to us how we want to live our lives now or the way we want to live our lives paying for our crime. No one can tell us we have to decide on our own. We chose to live a life of ruins. In the end we will be no hero or a statue on a corner or a parade in the street. No welcome home will exist when we arrive in the life of booze and we will be disappointed that we followed our own leader. Why will we give up the freedom of life to sit and stare at a confined life of booze and drugs? We have many trivial excuses and odd ideas for taking the first drink. When alcohol is involved, we will be strangely insane. Addictions use is being married to the devil with a vow to stay loyal to the lifestyle. We are always chasing our own shadows but in sobriety we finally catch up to it. We need to have booze to feed an addiction and want it for the high and be comfortable. Going to the canyon to hide from the world to have our party and join many other dead users. Dark and cold and a ravine filled with skulls of animals that have died from the lack of food and water and the dead boozers who consumed too much. Animals try to survive but boozers never cared about their lives to want to save it. Boozers who die in the canyon are unknown to the world and no one will care enough to find out who we are. No one including us won’t care. Died of their careless actions and plenty of space for more to come. Madness. A careless life will be our epitaph. What more is there to say? Staying sober is best. Travel to the canyon and drink your booze until you die and dry up to dust.

All that remains of us is food for the crows.

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.