I am content because my sobriety continued on for many years. My craving and interest never returned. I keep thinking about the way my drinking life was and the fear of returning to it. This is what made me find diversions to direct my thoughts to focus on better subjects. By using this method my thoughts of my previous life began to fade. I don’t see these images much anymore. I don’t like to think about the bar scene. I spend more time thinking about subjects that make sense. If you use this method it will push out the thoughts of relapse. It worked for me. Is how I stayed sober for 41 years. Sobriety is by far a better diversion than relapse.

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.