High on booze will inflate the ego we are only desperate for attention and being the most popular fool at the party. This all goes away in our sober hours and a sadness will arrive then the booze to make it go away. Live sober and we won’t have to behave this way because being sober attracts a better class of people. They will find you without the noise and arrogance. We don’t know of our flaws until someone tells us then we prefer to improve and make the best impression that only happens in sobriety. Alcohol and drugs will create monsters in us too much coffee won’t. Focusing on a sacred life and staying sober is the best combination. What can be more sacred than this? Being drunk and arrogant will only create your own hardship and separation from people and in time not liking yourself becoming your own worst enemy. Stay sober and be your own best friend. People look down their noses at arrogant people change your evil ways to better ones and they including yourself will like you again. Being poor in money but rich in a sober life is a good feeling all of it’s own. In addictions is the promise of hardship with sobriety they will never return. Arrogance may be a natural behavior when the alcohol goes in whatever the amount. Sober people can be arrogant at times but not excessive in most cases. Maybe just a little for the fun of it then end it but do it sober.

Being high and mighty you are headed for a crash landing

see ya’ next time


A young man is angry about his disappointment of his failed relationship and his ego suffers. A simple man who is afraid of nothing are the survivors. She had strict morals and he spent his money foolishly not being the biggest mistake in our lives. How could we explain our unwillingness to live a moral life like she did? Is this where our hatred for ourselves starts? At the height of our excessive behavior we displayed our ego to brag how important we are when living a basic moral life would have gained more respect from us and others. A moral way of life is worthwhile and a quiet voice will attract more listeners where an inflated ego is nothing but loud noise with worthless talk no one cares to listen to. The collapse of the inflated ego and the phony person destroyed and a sensible life lives on. Maybe now we won’t lie to ourselves like we have on previous occassions. Only a sober and a moral life can provide us the essentials we can’t live without. All through history many men have chosen to prove their worth by living a sober and moral life and for centuries many men have followed in their footsteps. This is why the Bible is based on the moral way of life hoping for all the world to follow. The moral man is well noticed in the darkness and the drizzling rain for us to clearly see the feeling of shame on our faces.

There are no heroes inside inflated egos just a fool without a soul.

see ya’ next time


We are very ordinary people living a strange lifestyle. A ragged group of friends from many walks of life being a boozer as the only thing they have in common. Unfit and unable to take care of ourselves if the worst came to us at sunrise. We all had success in life but traded it for problems and failures. For each addiction we reach for and use we are slowly ending our own life. Struggling through days of high energy confident a better life is out there and restless that the noose is getting tighter as the addictions use continues on. When we go in pursuit of the binge we walk to the gallows for the last time. We stand looking into a room and the failure we see is ourselves. No escape from the gallows as the final sentence is made. There are cases that the happy moment the condemned man has is his own hanging because the misery of his life will soon be over in a few short seconds and painless. The night before the hanging his remorse means nothing now and no words will save him. Addictions created failures in us with hands and feet tied and the black hood placed over our heads then the plunge to the end of the rope where our death awaits. Pursuing addictions away from home is our own public execution for many to witness and promise to live a moral life to avoid their death not having good sense to avoid our own. Living sober is the only way to prove to ourselves that we have some smarts after all.

We can avoid the gallows by pursuing a life worth living and not one that is to die for.

see ya’ next time


We can reduce the danger in those tense and avoidable disasters present at every binge. The addictions life, like execution chambers, has an atmosphere about them that nobody gets used to. It has lost it’s mystery but did not lose it’s threat of danger. Addictions is our slow execution not fast and painless like the real thing and no easy ride for the hangman being a witness. We were guilty of a bizarre and disgusting crime and perhaps in the end it was the shame which weighed so heavily on our conscience that made us decide not to fight for our life. We are all stunned by this carelessness as the condemned man walks happily to the gallows but if he turned away from the crime he would be home enjoying life and not laying in the grave. We have to be concerned it’s our present and future. Each time we consume addictions is pulling the noose tighter. The last dose then the drop is our final struggle in life. We need to urge ourselves to add more respect to our lives. Addictions use can make us feel worthless but it will change when we live sober.

Don’t be the condemned man and strive to cheat the hangman and live sober.

see ya’ next time


I want to spend some time to thank you for all the nice comments that you have sent me. All have given me inspiration to write a post about them. I have lived every fragment of truth in every post I have written and a lesson to learn from each one and a warning to walk away from the addictions life.

I chose to live sober because I wanted to leave all my hardships behind me and I never regretted it for even a second.

Follow my posts and you will have the same sober successful life that I do now.

Please send me a comment on which of my posts have changed your life. All of my posts will change your life just live it the way it’s written and always give it 100% every day of your life. Sobriety is a 24 hour focus thinking of ways to stay away from addictions and improving your life. The daily struggle pays off and that is the creation of a sober life. All of my posts tell you how to stay sober a message that I have included in every post I have written. As for the craving just toss it aside when it comes to mind. You haven’t got time to think about addictions use you are too busy learning something worthwhile.

8oz boiling water and 2 teaspoons instant coffee. Place in a cup add coffee. Stir.

Add cool whip on top. let it cool

As you know I have my website and for the last year and a half I have written more than 300 pages on sobriety but it is far from done I keep finding more and more to say. I don’t want to leave anything out because we need all the essential information we can get to survive the disasters of booze.

I will inform you when I have finished but it won’t be soon.

I would like to read your comments on how you are doing on your recovery and I hope my blog posts are helping you along I am sure they are so stay strong and remember that every struggle in sobriety will give you great rewards.

see ya’ next time


We all gather to form a group to waste our time and money and never learning to stay sober and leave behind what we can live without. Improvement is a word seldom heard and not curious enough to look up the meaning of it. It must start with ourselves first then other citizens will follow. This is a necessary want in life that will benefit many people when they decide to want it we will when there is a need. As we go through life there is always something to toss out. This is part of the struggle of recovery pursuing the perfect life. It may never be but it will be better than it is right now but you have to look for it to find it. The sober life is full of good experiences and discoveries like this where in every turn we found nothing more than disasters in the addictions life. When we had enough we will follow the sober life like being tossed around on a stormy sea we swim to shore. In the total darkness we search for a trace of light that tells us which way to travel and that light is knowledge that instructs us on how to live a better life. The whole community will harvest it’s own rewards by being on a mission to end alcoholism. We spent enough time traveling in the dark tunnel of gloom then we stop and look around and many other directions to choose from and they all offer the same grief as the others. Traveling through a sober life we see the sun and good thoughts without the grief and the fears following us like every morning after does. Early morning sun and latte and be thankful for every sober experience you have. Living this way is stress free and a better choice as you will notice on your first sober morning commute and latte.

A sober group of latte drinkers is called “the mellow fellows.”

see ya’ next time


Taking charge of your own life and proving you are able to is something a lot of people cannot manage. Sobriety is a matter of struggle and wanting to improve. Success is made from this and failure is due in part to laziness. Sobriety and relapse is a fight between two powers living a sensible life and the destruction of addictions. Do you have the power to keep addictions away or the weakness to invite them in? The fear of losing sobriety or addictions? What loss will you experience by choosing one or the other? Unspoken thoughts like guilt that remains like a stain on a rug? Like a strong wind pushing you to the booze? Consume enough so you don’t hear your own thoughts? What is the strong motivation that is pushing you away from recovery? What are you afraid of losing? Can’t live with personal abuse from your friends because you chose to be sober? You would rather live with a disaster in your life than stay sober? Your reason or reasons for doing this are all stupid reasons. If you don’t know the reason you are refusing sobriety you must find it and kill it off. This is blocking morality from entering your life and welcoming addictions to control you. This happened to me and I killed it off in rehab. It never returned. All through my sobriety morality is my decision maker. How many more years until you start living a moral life? The thoughts of my past life as a boozer sends a slight fear through me. I have no interest in returning to my nightly binges the fear keeps me away from it as it should for everyone.

Is today the moment when all your grief ends? Go to rehab and watch it all begin.

see ya’ next time


Making changes begins with the expert use of our thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do. Living within self-restraint will keep us from saying and doing the wrong things in life. As we go through life we correct little mistakes that comes to us along the way. We know our minds better than anyone so we can decide better what thoughts and actions to change. When people tell us to change our ways in some cases we were not aware that we had any issues then we thank them for letting us know. The next step is learning how to make the changes and the methods and sources to use. No one wants to listen to constant commands to make changes about us so it is more comforting to do it ourselves and not having to be told. This is called “self-regulating”. making our own corrections when we need to. In the process we learn good behavior and better actions with addictions use we destroy all the discipline we relied on. It is essential for us to constantly add knowledge of what a moral life is and practice it daily. Self-improvement and moral living must be our main focus then our sobriety will work properly. Many books have been written to improve us and heal the damage that has been done. Addictions use is never allowed in a moral life so we must always say no to stay within quality. When someone gets into trouble you are right there in it with them. Does this sound familiar? You seriously need a moral life.

Every decision we make must be within moral living.

see ya’ next time


We live with the broken fragments of our lives created by addictions use. Only the hardships are real being the only promise that exists and changes can be made at our request. We rise up with the phony bravery that booze will give us feeling like royalty and defending the life with loyalty. We lived it but it’s time to end it. Some live in the shelter of a moral life for other people it is the “kingdom of nothingness.” Everything you lived for and did was a waste of time, effort and money. A complete waste of a life but a new start is in the future. The addictions life is no longer the king we once thought it to be and we are nothing more than a defeated has been. We don’t sit on a throne and pretend to have all the answers for the problems of the world. No longer bragging how we knew it all. Experts at nothing. Now we live a sober and honest life admitting we made mistakes and trying not to repeat them. Who wants to be a king? I’d rather live an honest life than be dishonest we had enough of it as a boozer. Time to prove we are better people than royalty and that is something to be loyal to.

“Stay sober and live in your own kingdom”

. see ya’ next time



Details of a tragedy will be from mild to intense disasters will always tell a true story. People leave out what they have to hide. The more that is concealed the more mild it becomes is why searchers never gather the whole truth for this reason. Tucked inside our conscience are the partners in crime. Being bothered by this night and day will drive us to madness. Graveside visits and strong booze will never make this feeling go away because booze created the tragedy and more to put an end to the memory then drink too much again to kill our brain . No one carries more guilt than the next person. Who will be the survivor? The one who led you into the crime or the last one to follow the group? Drinking more booze will be a constant reminder of what can happen when you drink too much. Remaining sober and let the fear of booze burn in our bodies to keep us from getting too close again. Images of the tragedy makes us want to hide from ourselves and the memory remains the same. Admitt you made a mistake and never repeat it is the easiest way to cope with a tragedy. The memorial of your friend is not in the graveyard it is you staying sober for the rest of your life.

Don’t be the cause of your own death or another friend.

“Your sobriety is your friend’s memorial”

. see ya’ next time