Our want for the life of Booze we accept our own invitation. The challenge between forces begins. “You accept my challenge and I’ll accept yours”. Against you and the Booze. Booze is clever enough to sneak up to us and ruin our lives little by little. To overcome us the whole time without our knowledge. Looking for it even after someone warns us. This is why alcohol is cunning. Smarter and making fools of us all. We are all blindsided. Came at us from a hidden place and unaware of what was waiting for us up ahead. Looking straight ahead and alcohol still fooled us. Who can predict what can possibly happen after entering the addictions lifestyle? Books can tell us but who reads them. Challenging alcohol to a duel and expecting to win is like betting on a boxing match with your own shadow. And betting on the shadow to win. A duel nobody wins. See the similarity after living the life of Booze? In the duel with Booze you both came out losers because Booze was already the loser before you began the duel. Now you are both equals but never in a good way of course. The duel starts with every drink we consume. Stop this foolish living by refusing the next duel which proves we have common sense after all. Quitting addictions is your victory and kill off your addictions lifestyle and send it into Rigor Mortis before alcohol sends you there. Booze will always stay where it is waiting for the next victim to arrive. Don’t let it be you.

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.