Getting started in an organized life is never an easy ride. The first drunk was easy until the morning after. Discovered the first hardship among many more. Sobriety is much more rewarding. Serene and full of learning. With booze it wears off but not the lingering struggle to repair the damage done. Sobriety stays with us as a learning adventure. Times will get rough with every dose. We can never relax in a life of booze. The stress and the tension inside of us will not let us rest. When we take our first drink it’s just another nightmare story in the making. And all the one’s after. The profane bar scenes absorbs into the mind with returning visions of hardship. Returning to booze to try to comfort them for a few hours. Adding to the hardship from the previous drunk. Not worth the effort and expense of putting money in a life of booze. Searching for ways to remain sober for life is a soul searching that absorbs into the soul. Sobriety is a life to ease the troubled mind. This works constant and the rewards never ends. Instead of the constant return to booze constantly turn away to search for your soul within. If we look far enough inside of ourselves we may find a better person we would rather get to know better. This is where we discover how we can be our own best friend. Interesting to think that it takes fifty words to explain the life of booze. With sobriety it takes hundreds. Stay home and be a writer.

Leave the strange intentions and the booze behind.

see ya’ next time


Your first step of the long journey ahead is your first drink. The curiosity and the fear and the disasters of stories told. Waiting somewhere beyond the blue haze at every turn of the road. Feeling tired traveling we need a drink. As time goes on this was our first mistake. If only we could have made it our last. The real fear should have been many more mistakes to come. Too much confidence covered up our warning signs. Sitting in the darkness with the full moon shining upon us. Very little sleep with curious thoughts and worries of what will become of us. Stress will be too much to control. Stops along the road for a binge or two. What is at the end of the road? The start of a career? The stress will be there when you arrive. More booze to end the stress? We all know that many drinkers fail because of the booze. With their money gone and living with the poor. Many discomforts and hardships before this long stretch of road ends. Not knowing how to solve them many doses of booze will follow. If we would have looked around and seen the disasters Booze made of other people we may have refused to take our first drink. All of us drinkers think of these ideas too late. This is good advice before taking the first dose.

The good life is somewhere beyond. We just haven’t gone far enough to find it. Read up on Alcoholics Anonymous and forget the road trip.

see ya’ next time


Searching for a space to fit into to hide our disgrace from the world. Large enough to cover us so no one will notice. Desperate to leave society for a short while any place will do. We oftentimes carry this small space feeling with us being stuck to us. Nothing can loosen it. In the addictions life its all about restriction. No feeling of freedom. Limited only to “use and recovery”. What options do we have? We tolerate the life never fit in. We lie to ourselves. This is the worst thing we can do. No better than doing it to someone else. We pretend we don’t care. Our tears falling like rain tells us another story. How long can we keep this up before we get tired of it? Feeling cold and wanting to quit the Booze but for some reason we delay it. Hoping for a change? What could possibly happen? Getting worse is the answer. Waiting for someone to tell us there is a caring soul that will help us? There is in ourselves. People in rehab that teach us a better way to live. Discover your true worth and never look back. To the ruins we lived in for awhile. A match to the ruins of our lives. Accept the loss and move on. Daily reflections of life and improvements can make simple changes. The feeling of being deserted and left wondering where to go next. Why the wait? Dazed and confused as we wander on. Stop walking in circles. Books offer life experiences of people who had a miserable life like ours. Offer solutions on how to solve them. We already imitated their life of hardship. Imitate their solutions. Worked for them why not us. They discovered life has good things to offer. Come out of the cold wind and rain and leave the feeling behind. Life has meaning and purpose from what we put there. Not long after we will discover that sobriety is a constant mood of “Reflections of Soul”.

“We will make it through the rain”

see ya’ next time


We all look for praise for our actions,thoughts,pursuits. When all we get is negative comments and personal abuse. No matter how strong people brag they are we all are sensitive. We will always meet people like this in life. The common mistake we often make is finding groups that will accept us. Then comes the possibility of deception. Pretending to be a friend. Cults for example. The better way to find praise is from within. The Bible is the place many people start. Finding the good in ourselves we are content with the person that we became. Then we will not be afraid to display our true nature. Because we feel it should be noticed. Don’t wait to be praised by other people. Most of this comes from within. Addictions is living in a negative world. Stormy weather. Years at a time the sun will never rise. Ending my life of Booze I entered into a positive life. All the negative sources left behind. Years of being sober and positive living why would we want to leave it. Addictions does nothing positive. So why do them?

There are four ways to learn:

1. Learn by reading about it

2. By living it

3. By teaching it

4. Listening to the response from others who learned from it

All gathered together a book will be written.

”We survive the storm then enjoy the sunny day”

see ya’ next time


There is no future in sailing against the wind. Look three years ahead of you and see what is there waiting up ahead. Do you see a new character? No longer interested in Booze and the phoniness that follows close behind us? Alcohol as a compassion for our solitary life? The only friend that didn’t abandon you? No human issue is so terrifying that only addictions can cure. Every human issue can be solved by another human. Maybe it’s just growing pains? Many people in life wear several masks. We need to remove several of them before we get to our real identity. Don’t believe in violating the laws of hospitality by refusing a drink? Enforcing your daily limit of twenty drinks? No loyalty there. We don’t walk in a straight line at the moment of being drunk. The body has little function. Neither does the brain. How can you expect a distorted brain full of alcohol can solve your issues? You couldn’t solve them sober. With this being said “Why would you say you need a drink”. To do any task we need to learn how to do them. Our minds are all tangled up from the addictions abuse. Rehab can straighten our thinking process. Stop complaining that you don’t have the smarts for anything. Go to rehab and learn proper thinking. Do a project and prove to yourself that you do. What did Booze teach you besides acting like an idiot? Calling it quits on pursuing happiness? More comfortable in residing in the house of Booze? You can’t tell me it don’t bother you. So why live with it? Be honest and admit to yourself that Booze will never work in the future. Not in the past either. Don’t feel silly the way you live. Believing Booze is the answer. Hoping that Booze will someday work the way you want it to? Don’t keep drinking. It will never happen. Don’t be a fool to believe Booze is the magic elixir that will make all your problems disappear. Your life and your brain will. Do I make sense so far? Good advice? Then follow it. Living and torturing yourself. Maybe you have decided that a life of Booze is worthwhile. Somewhere down the road you will admit you are wrong. I know. I thought so too. Hope of happiness will return when we want to remain sober in the years ahead.Not having much luck so I may as well try and catch the wind.

see ya’ next time


A view of life will be what we need to have to sort out the good from the clutter. May take awhile but in the process we will be glad it’s gone. We decide what is important to build a quality life. The life of nonsense we just left behind us. We need a future plan not just for the near future but for all the years to come. How to spend our time wisely only a few seem to know. Have no interest in improving themselves. Who wants to live this way? Stop putting yourself through the emotional wringer. Don’t be waking up to find reality has passed us by. The life of Booze is a long road. Every mile shows. “The lines on my face can’t tell you where I’m going. They sure can tell you where I’ve been”. Driving around in circles half drunk going nowhere. Looking for nothing at all. This happens in every story of every binge we had. The bar hound invasion may have decreased over the years but not enough. I don’t miss it. No sensible person would. No sense being a miserable Boozer keep going back for more. What’s to like about it? Maybe you don’t like it. The last few years before I quit I was miserable. I just didn’t know how to quit. Rehab.Just do what they tell you. No better time than the present. Many people I have talked with tell me being sober is the best thing. The same people who looked down their nose at it two years earlier. Any activity is worthwhile no matter how boring as long as it keeps my mind off drinking. I was told this. Boredom? Think of something. Easy enough to do. Many pages from books to learn from. Start a sober life with a Glorious Beginning. With the Glory of the Lord.

“Hit the books instead of the Booze”

see ya’ next time


As long as my issues bothered me the more I kept drinking. When I drank too much proves Booze don’t solve problems. Why after years of drinking I didn’t notice it will never help? We all get tired of feeling dumb. We want to quit drinking and decide that “Anything is better than this”. We can all agree on that. Sitting in one spot for a long period of time can make us desperate for a change.Same goes for lifestyles where nothing changes. We chose to solve our problems with Booze. A better choice is to solve them without it. Back when it all started with our first drink we didn’t know there was another choice. I didn’t. Then I asked someone I knew. Rehab was next. Sitting in this drinking lifestyle for too long or waiting anywhere we think to ourselves “I don’t care where I go next as long as it’s anyplace but here”. I got tired of years of Booze. What’s next? Anything will do. For now anyway. Will be a distraction from Booze until we figure out what to do. Many ideas will come along and many for a short time. We need to find ways to stay sober. Whatever we do in life this can never be forgotten. This will be a constant search and improve ourselves with every new discovery. Now that all the Booze is mostly forgotten we learned one thing in life. “There are better choices after all”

see ya’ next time


Constant search for the cause and methods of prevention is what it’s all about. Search and find to rescue what’s left worth saving. Not only from addictions but also from our character. To rescue us from the torment of our lives. Internal madness is much more common than it should be. Running wild and don’t care? In time our minds grind to a screeching halt and fade to dust. Scenario of a life that nobody remembers or cares about. Our last Rites for the Lost Soul has begun. All that remains is the reflection of the reading. Departing to return to our normal lives we think about the careless life the Lost Soul left behind. To see a reflection in ourselves and a similar ending. We struggle to escape the disaster the life of addictions will turn us into. The fear begins with constant grief. many sleepless nights will follow and as many nightmares to come. where do I find the solutions to save me? The frantic search to save himself the race is on. Will I find it in time? Pleading for comfort to ease his troubled mind. Convinced his time is running short as he remembers the final moments of the Lost Soul and many before him. Thoughts of the possibility of following in his footsteps. more frightening is that he lived a similar life. Days have past and no solutions to be found. Could it be the final hours? What could save him now in his desperate hour of need? Constant need of Booze and the trust to get him through the stresses of life. Now he will trust the advice of a friend he ignored. Will he find him in time? He may. Will he save himself at the same time? Stay with addictions and become a Lost Soul. We have a choice. What’s yours?

see ya’ next time


Being told in the beginning when you took your first drink. All the disasters of addiction and grief that will follow. You told yourself and others it couldn’t happen to you. Why won’t it happen? How could you predict your plan will work? It will be different? In what way? After being told of the risks beforehand. Ask yourself “Do I still want to drink”? Your decision to drink was it yours or someone else’s? Why was there encouragement to continue? Especially from yourself? Why did you let a friend debate it with you? It’s hard to judge the depths of the water by looking at the surface. How will you know before diving in? By what someone tells you? Not worth finding out the hard way? Drinking isn’t either and with the same disastrous results.

see ya’ next time


Looking back at the cause of the problem and find a solution. A plan with the energy to get it solved. How did it start? I was never interested in marriage. Being a writer is my focus. Some people are not people-esque. Therefore I don’t fit in. A wandering writer is my place in life. Taking a course on how to survive a marriage is preparing us for the worst. Now we know what is ahead of us. Do you still want to be married? Not being prepared is like walking down the street with our eyes closed. Go in reverse to the beginning and get prepared. Learn how to solve issues before they happen. Because we know they will arrive. Not knowing when. Be into solving problems not into a worst case scenario marriage. Ending addictions can make a huge difference in itself. Oftentimes our frustration isn’t caused in a marriage. Perhaps in ourselves forcing ourselves to live a life we wished we never started. Go back to being single. To an interest you got depressed by giving up. Start again and plan a happier future.

see ya’ next time