Addictions use is to escape from our hardships and also from the person we became. We have a hard time living with ourselves so we invent a character to hide from us and the world. We try to cover up the mistakes we made and it works fooling other people but we stay miserable knowing we can’t hide from ourselves. We think addictions is a shield to hide our guilt and remorse and the fool we have been. Using them makes it easier to face the world again but mostly to face ourselves. During recovery we sit in dark corners knowing we are driving everyone away from us and now we feel rejected and no one will return to us. What bothers us is the possible loss of a friend or several. We need to change into a more perfect person. After we live sober the friends we lost will come back and they won’t care what happened during your drunken binges. All they care about is your loyalty and struggle to stay sober and remain the good person they knew you had the smarts to become all along. After seeing the quality person you became all your friends may follow you into the good life of sobriety. No addictions user is happy with the person they are.

Living in sobriety we take off the masks we wore pretending to be the person we never was and wouldn’t want to be in real life. We don’t choose our character we are forced to live with the person the addictions chose for us and in sobriety we can choose a better one. Best part about it nothing to hide anymore.

see ya’ next time


Moral living is the only thing to save us. “There was no one to turn to but you.” People will follow the teachings of morality because they believe they can’t get along without it. Obey the danger warnings and forget about the arrogance and cockiness with doses of whatever only to increase our intense rude behavior that was the style of the day. “Say yes and be loyal to declining health.” I said no more and stayed sober for several years. I’ve been offered a drink many times in my sobriety and each time I said no without thinking it over for even a second. Just one won’t hurt? Most drinkers relied on this line and later discovered that ” one is too many and a thousand is not enough.” A lot of truth in it as most drinkers will honestly tell you. There is one line that will promise a good life: “No thanks. I’m enjoying my good health too much to see it come to an end.” Out and about being a ragged hooligan contaminating descent society. In the morning after feeling small and foolish only to run to the booze to make us feel tall again. Feeling weak and craving for the tough guy image that only comes in bottles. Believing it takes a real man to tolerate the effects of booze no matter how much you drink or the amount of pot you smoke. People don’t like us because they are jealous of us and makes us feel like a moron then drink to make us feel average again. ” The smallest we can become is from a hangover.” Booze can make us feel tall after an emotional beating and I have used it myself many times for that reason. When worthless people come my way I travel in the opposite direction out of sight out of mind. Do it this way it will keep you sober.

“There are better ways to grow tall.”

see ya’ next time


The prisoner was placed into the chair for his electric execution was asked Do you have anything to say before we pass sentence. The man answered ” If only I learned a moral life to keep me out of trouble I’d be home now. If you ignore moral teaching you will be here begging and crying for your life. Some of you are happy about my death but I am not about my crime. Quick to commit crimes then you’re found guilty then executed they are just doing their duty. Morality has been known to save many lost souls with it’s magic powers. If only I had known before I committed my deadly crime. With sobbing he had deep remorse for what he had done then went on to say ” Live the moral experience not the execution” With loss of energy and fear he moved his lips with a silent plea for his life mumbling farewell to the misery of his past. He entered and live for years in a prison cell and the constant torment of his crime and the millions of tears that he shed in his moments of remorse. He wasn’t educated when he committed his crime but through his meditation he was a scholar at the moment of his execution. All the people around him were silent as they watched him softly sob in his lap. There was a small amount of sympathy from the people witnessing the execution and the one who puts him to death as well. He raised his head and made one final statement:

“We all owe a death to this life”

see ya’ next time