Many books have been written with tragic stories of boozers many like ours. With the interesting fact that all of us ignore the advice to turn away then we live them. Maybe we can’t relate to them. Don’t apply to us. Concerns all of us. The data collected about alcoholism is real we are one of those large numbers. Emotions is easier to relate to with other problem users giving us the message someone cares enough to help us. Feeling like an outcast we have the feeling of fitting in with a solution. Not being denied. We all need at least one value in our lives. Booze is more important to us. Sobriety is a value to help other people. This will not happen as long as we remain a user. Turns off our thinking so we are no longer useful to anyone. This comes back when our high has been cleared away with enough focus to see the problems we cause for others. Relapse tells us that addictions are more important than helping ourselves and others. As long as we are using addictions we can never be a mentor to help other users. Users have no value just wasting away and sitting in our own ruins. Walk away from the lifestyle and give yourself a reason to follow sober people who will tell you how to put value in your life. Addictions use is mind expanding. The only thing it will expand is your long list of hardships. The list never ends. Become what sober people can teach us. Join the crowd and reap the rewards within.

Caring will save us and sobriety is where it starts

see ya’ next time


My morning thoughts begin with a latte and a blog post to tell the world how I created new ways to stay sober. They must work I live them everyday. There are times when the thoughts of relapse and sobriety gets mixed in with too much confidence. I created my sober life and chose to reside here. I take this life and my moral thoughts wherever I go and they keep me sober. Don’t live in a bad place the dangerous world of booze that gives you nothing but grief. You could never create this world it will create you. Not your creation just your bad choice to follow it. Booze is a plan to destroy your mind and build you up to be a loyal follower. Digging its claws into your soul and squeeze you to death. Booze will want you to live your life the hard way more amusement to watch you destroy yourself little by little. Your plans for a sober life are pushed aside allowing the life of booze to give you generous amounts of grief and abuse and when you were cheerfully drunk you agreed to accept. Boozers in the past have chosen a relapse after a long sobriety to end their boredom of sensible living. Recovery wasn’t as easy the second time around. Will destroy your mind quicker than booze. They struggle with this and could avoid this disaster if only he would have had the sense to accept a good life when he had it. As you can see relapse doesn’t make any sense. Didn’t protect him but sobriety would have. This is a warning to stay away from the dangers of relapse and in a lot of cases their minds are altered permanently. As long as you stay focused and live a sober life you won’t have any problems. Your created life is only found in sobriety and the way you choose to live it.

Sobriety is a safe haven. Reside within its fortress

see ya’ next time


Guilt and anger are causes to reach for booze creating a dangerous mixture of intense emotions and high stress. Allowing them to grow means we don’t know how to remove them. The proper mix of emotions creates good experiences to learn from and enjoy. The wrong mix of emotions is like water and oil. Living with a disaster and curious for a cure is no picnic by a long ways. Several worst case scenarios pops up and start to panic afraid they will all happen to us. We need to stay away from the emotions we are sensitive to and avoid the lifestyle that requires them. All the human emotions don’t all work at the same time. We need to understand that compassion and love to create and inspire harmony. Hate and anger to remind us of our faults and need to be removed. What good are they? Guilt, anger and stress make us so jittery that we find it impossible to relax. Stay away from any source that creates problems then all you have left is serene moments. Relapse is too much stress piled several layers thick then it becomes too heavy to carry. Don’t worry about a mistake you made the most important thing is to make sure you don’t repeat it. It’s all about prevention and tossing out the worthless issues in your life. Start again and forgive yourself. As long as you stay relaxed and serene and don’t put problems in your life the grief is gone and relapse will not happen.

A strange mix creates strange behaviors.

see ya’ next time


A new year has begun with a plan for a better life to stop the hardship and the constant complaining about our worthless life but will soon end after we stop the booze and put some quality in our lives for the coming year. Don’t sit and complain toss out the sources of grief and failure and live without them. The booze will dry up and so will your stress and craving for more booze and drugs. These are the causes of your failures so a new plan is to live sober and relaxed. Sobriety is like an alms to help the problem drinker. They will use it to turn our lives into a better one. Sobriety works the same as an alm. It provides generous rewards without end. Money is used up sobriety is an endless supply of learning. When we live careless, clumsy, and foolish living sober is the only way out. I did live this way and I never fit in. Trying to find the place where I fit in and I have found mine. I am a perfect fit in the life of sobriety. Everyone is. We all fit in and also with the twelve steps of A.A. One size fits all. Guaranteed. No doubt about it. Nothing is more perfect or sensible than sobriety. Don’t be the type of person who refuses this good advice. Listen to it and live it. Blame yourself if you don’t. Don’t put your present and future life in a difficult situation. Relapse means to go back for more grief. Telling yourself you don’t want this drunken life to end. That it’s better to be drunk than sober and cry about it. Don’t expect any mercy from anyone that has to come from you. When you get one shred of self-respect in you a little mercy will follow will make you stand up and march to the rehab. Then you will see how sobriety will protect you for the rest of your life. Days to recognize your grief, sympathize with your loss, then regain your life endlessly.

Don’t spend the best days of your life slowly turning into a dying boozer.

see ya’ next time


Every year as a boozer I don’t see where the happiness fits in. All the addictions we consume is not full of happy times just moments of nonsense and making fools of ourselves pretending and bragging about it that it is. The word new is not new either. Shouting happy new year is seeing the past year of hardship come to an end. As long as you carry on as a boozer nothing new and happy will ever happen. Does it make you more happy than sobriety? Not for me or any other boozer I have seen. To prove you are the person you cannot be. But you can. Sobriety and the study of morality will fix that. Better impressions will be made from it and better years ahead. The life of booze is no easy ride so why do it. People choose sobriety because they are smarter and enjoy this for several years. A good feeling that they are finally learning how to relax and having a latte in their morning routine is good enough for anyone. Creates many happy memories and no two mornings are ever the same. If you have fifty sober days you will learn as many impressing things about your own mind. These plans can be made in time for the start of the new year. Why not today? You had your share of hardship so it’s time to leave it all behind you. For the next holiday party forget the booze stop for latte on your way there. A sober life is where it’s at not being hungover crying about your life.

Live a sober life and be happy and new for the first time in your life.

see ya’ next time


We all wonder about ourselves with no plans to save us as we sink deeper into depression. What will become of this worthless soul. Can it be saved or is it the end. Addictions will keep us chained to this misery desperate to break away but will never happen with our total weakness of our mind, body, and soul. We used up all our energy and smarts and the booze dried it up. Wanting to end this grief will motivate us to stay sober for life. Your present life and the future is your debate now not the morning after and where your next binge will happen. The moral life is there to help us mature and act sensible. The sober life will protect us from the evils of the world that stalk us. Both are concerned about us when no one else is. A good life is hidden inside of morality and sobriety we need to stay with it until we find it. Within its dark tunnels our improvement is waiting. We will walk these dark tunnels for the rest of our lives and witness the changes that will keep happening to us. The bright light of a sensible life will help us find our way. The rest of the world will follow behind us as we show them how to find a sober life. Sobriety is a leadership for others to follow us is better than being down and out wishing we were dead. Walk away and never look back.

Sobriety and morality will save the world when they choose to live it.

see ya’ next time


Other miserable men, when they are thrown into prison, if they are robbed of the beauty of the world, are at least safe, in some measure, from the world’s most deadly slings, most awful arrows. They can hide in the darkness of their cells, and of their very disgrace make a mode of sanctuary. The world having had its will, goes its way, and they are left to suffer undisturbed. With me it has been different. Sorrow after sorrow has come beating at the prison doors in search of me. They have opened the gates wide and let them in. The messenger of death has brought me his tidings and gone his way, and in entire solitude, and isolated from all that could give me comfort, or suggest relief, I have to bear the intolerable burden of misery and remorse that the memory of my mother placed upon me, and places on me still. That is and always will remain to me a source of infinite distress, of infinite pain, of grief without end or limit. Now I find hidden away in my nature something that tells me that nothing in the whole world is meaningless, and suffering least of all. That something hidden away in my nature, like a treasure in a field, is humility. And the end of it all is that I have got to forgive you. I must do so.


see ya’ next time


Addictions created the worst scenarios in us creating the person we become by choosing to use them. Turn away from them and create a moral and sober life. We live the fast life and travel far we can never escape ourselves. Living the life of booze we have lost everything but not hope for a sober life. The long road ends nowhere for boozers. We dream of disasters then awaken to the same one. Our only friend is the darkness because we don’t have to look at our own faces. Will never hide the emotions from guilt. Living sober will destroy them. The life of a boozer looking for a place to die. Fear to save us or the freedom of the grave. We become by the choices we make. A self-made man. We all stop and look back and see a better life was there. Our days are serene for now in a sober life. But for a boozer the gathering of heartaches starts again. Why keep making your issues worse for yourself? complain but do nothing to help yourself. This makes no sense at all. Have an addiction problem? Go to rehab. It’s that simple. The longer we stay addicted the harder it is to quit. The sooner the better. We have two choices in life. Improve or keep getting worse. Bullying our way through life drunk. Mumbling not making our voices clear enough to be heard or worthwhile listening to by other people. No better feeling than a sober life. Try it yourself.

Another binge: just a short ride to more grief.

see ya’ next time


Misguided drunk boozers gather in crowded bars and parties to follow the odd minded leaders into gradual ruins of the mind. Only a groggy-eyed hungover boozer would think twice about going back but will make a second trip. The dead and the living both take losses in life so we grieve by visiting the grave or find solutions for our daily struggles ahead. The addictions life is strange but I don’t know which is more so the life itself or the people that pursue it. We have to be a little odd to want to live it and brag how good it is. When we start to feel how silly it all is may be enough to not want to do it anymore. We are not less strange than addictions use. Fill our bodies with booze and the odd person will emerge. Laughing and enjoying being odd is acting normal in the addictions lifestyle. I stay sober because the life of booze doesn’t fit into an organized life. Life itself and human nature has a natural strangeness of their own. With booze our minds become dangerous and unpleasant to ourselves. Some people cannot change this the damage is done. We need to stay sober to protect our minds and save our good personality before we destroy it. Can’t stay away from addictions? Keep trying harder to make it happen because you need to have a working brain. People have warned me about the dangers of booze but I ignored it. Why did I? Do you know the reason why you did? How to live without it is what you need to know. Rehab is the first step staying away from the addictions lifestyle is the second. I did it this way and I never drank since. There are many ways to stay sober see if you can find them all and live them. The past is dead and gone so don’t worry about how it destroyed you. The worst is over no need to think of the past. Ignore the people who keep reminding you of it. Hide from them.

We trade our soul for binges and a restless life

see ya’ next time


Have you seen the limit of your guilt? Don’t care if there is more to come? The careless acts of addictions use that will cause a tragedy will get your remorse working to motivate you to improve. End addictions to prevent it. Nothing is safer than sobriety. Taking a break between binges we are still not finished with our startling tales of death and suffering. Time to recover and can’t wait to get more. Why not use the same energy to stay sober? Why live in sad moments and not the sober life? The cheerful side of life? No care for yourself? Why not? The only thing that concerns you is the plan to attend the next binge this is what we want to do. Face the cruel world and be cruel to yourself at the same time. Why do this? Because you hate yourself? Self-hate is a part of addictions abuse. As long as you remain heartless and uncaring for yourself and others you will always have reason to punish yourself. Every dose you put into your body it will make your agony worse each time. They will never improve your life. Haven’t you noticed this by now? What is your most intense fear? Injury to others or publicity? If you have this you would be living in sobriety right now. No one can tolerate this so don’t be a fool to try. Be sensible and walk away. You walk into a room to avoid the storm but do nothing to keep yourself safe from the life of booze. Ask yourself why. What is your answer? Drug use is like a real prison.

You did your suffering is time for you to live sober

see ya’ next time