Bound and determined means extremely motivated wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or anything to stop you. Resolution means to undo and when a conflict reaches its resolution it has been undone no longer fastened to our lives. New Year’s resolutions dates back to the 1780s drew from the determined sense of the word meaning committed not to change it. When a resolution is made the issue will stay gone and the goal will never end no matter what gets in our way. Nothing will change our decision like if you decide to live sober for the rest of your life nothing can stop you and your friends can never talk us into drinking again just turn away. Resolutions fail every year for many of us but the one resolution I stayed with is to stay sober and have for many years. No one can talk me into drinking again as I am bound and determined to live a sober life as I refuse to be a boozer again. Temptation is almost non existent I have a strong sobriety which requires daily practice and with being bound and determined and committed to have a strong sobriety for years you will be there. I was one of the worst boozers so I had to try hard not to return to booze again. It doesn’t matter how severe our problem is the same commitment goes into it. Making a resolution to change and stay with it is a promise we make to do it and the worse thing humans can do is to go back on the promise we made so this is why resolutions were created for us to stay with a decision and never back down like the word determined is our commitment to successful sober life and other issues that we need to overcome. Success is always worth the daily struggle. What success did you have as a boozer?

A resolution is our commitment to stay sober and never break it.

Happy New Year

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.