the proper higher power

I did not always know the meaning of higher power so I observed it from a distance. Many thoughts entered my mind before the meaning of higher power came clear to me. A higher power is a control center that controls a persons behavior,actions,personality and attitude. In my early sobriety I found that the bible was the perfect source. I always trusted the sacred and the profane. we all go divided. Living the sacred is what kept me sober. The strength that made my sobriety stronger. We witness large numbers of hardship in the daily life of a drinker and the negative and sometimes tragic results. Rehab is considered a higher power. For some people praying is fine but may be too slow. Rehab and prayer worked well for me.

see ya’ next time

step 1 of 12

We have tried many times and failed with some still struggling . Consuming small amounts of alcohol is always an ongoing debate within our everyday lives. The results we strive for never comes. what comes is more years of waiting. We can not fix every situation in life but alcoholism can be fixed by attending rehab and living sober. Controlling our drinking seldom works. One plan after another always failed. For me it did. And many others to follow. Many wasted years to find the perfect plan when I could have spent those years sober. If you look and can not find a plan of your own you may spend the next years,days,months drinking and still looking for it. Admit to ourselves that we are powerless over alcohol and the solution is sobriety.This plan is the best plan. I have been working it for more than 40 years. I admitted i was powerless over alcohol so I quit. like most drinkers I denied I had a problem with drinking. I denied it other people but inside I knew I had a problem. Don’t deny your problem admit to it and start rehab today. I did it this way 40 years ago. Been sober ever since.

see ya’ next time

Changing of the tide

Wild,rapid river comes with fears and frustrations. Floating or swimming we attempt to survive the calm and rough waters. Sometimes this is not possible. We need another boat or a rope to guide us safely to shore . We may forget survival skills so we need the skilled to remind us. To always remember who helped us along.

this is a dedication to the whole library staff of level M that helped make this blog possible. of Prescott,AZ.

See ya’ next time

staggering humor

I have a small stagger when I walk because of my body condition. Someone came up to me and said “you walk like you’re half drunk” I said “I am. I’m on my way to finish off the other half.

                                             see ya’ next time

Behind the Black Veil

Shadows hiding the shame we provide for ourselves. hiding our faces we can not bear the truth within. The shame,fear ,and rejection we struggle within to comfort our soul. Accepting the ungodly life with much energy and without caring. Hiding behind the black veil without conscience not seeing the true visible image of our true colors but hide and toss aside. Washing away the veil with the sprinkle of holy water we see our true identity and some godly traces of respect,morals,and change within us. Strive to lose the image of shame by following the morality of sobriety and personal clean living. The new day,the new life, was always there  behind the black veil.

we see clearly now, the true self , and the greatness within

                                                   see ya’ next time


I will scatter my writings of wisdom to the wind floating to who knows where including to distant lands. Educating the world as the saying goes the truth is written in the wind. On every mind,tongue,heart and soul to teach to the very young. My pages provide solutions to hardships after the fact or preventing hardships from ever starting. Pages scattering being collected for wallpaper for every house will proudly have the walls of wisdom. With the proper bait we will catch many fish and feed thousands. Give a boy a fish and feed him for a day teach him to fish and feed him for life.

see ya’ next time


The stale night air filled with melodic sound. dancing with brief periods of chill. The chill will make an alarming arrival then the quiet sunrise will send the chill elsewhere. My thoughts of the early pre-dawn sleepless hours was complimented by a kind gentle soul. Who thinks of random acts of kindness. Used one of them to plan to help a stranded misguided city bench half sleeper. The food,the forethoughts,the spices all combined warmed my cold,weary homeless soul. Collecting my thoughts of all the good samaritans in my memory who passed my way and stopped to visit.

Be a good samaritan if you can’t find one.

see ya’ next time


A safer car is parked in our driveway. Especially a car with an emty gasolene tank. A person with no alcohol in our bodies is a safe person. To ourselves and to all of the environment. When consuming alcohol makes us out of control. we are at the moment putting fuel on the fire. End the rage. If drinking does this to us we need to stop. Plain and simple. Do you always keep the gas can close to a burning fire? No? Then don’t keep alcohol close to you. Simple arithmetic and common sense. Do you agree? Then a lifetime of sobriety is in your future. Enjoy your new life.

see ya’ next time


A Patron with a bad drinking problem walks into a bar and orders a strong drink. The bartender sets a cup and saucer in front of the patron said while pouring the patrons coffee “If you want a strong drink. drink it black”. The bartender wanted the patron to stop his drinking habit.

see ya’ next time


If the rich would look into the eyes of the poor the rich will see a reflection of themselves. Perhaps their future. This will surprise us that it works this way and also frighten us that we consider this the next sunrise. Courtesy is the way to survive homeless life. Do your homework for the future.

What is the emotion we feel before we start drinking ?

What is the emotion we feel after we have been drinking ?

Resentments (the driving force) and self-pity (keeps resentments alive) .

One feeds off the other. We want people to feel sorry for us and accept us. This needs to stop because when we allow this our growing to full mature status is turned off.

see ya’ next time