New Year’s Day

Another New Year’s Day has come and will soon depart. Happy New Year reminds me of Hank William’s passing. I celebrate the man and his music. The song “Jambalaya (on the bayou) July 19,1952 is one of my most favorite.

September 17,1923-January 1st,1953 age: 29. For many years this was my Happy New Year. Paying respects to the man.

see ya’ next time

Great Day In The Morning

First day of the year. A great day in the morning. A great time to start new when our interest and enthusiasm is at it’s high energy. Can’t wait to get started and be proud of the results. This is how it happened to me. After 41 years of being sober my energy is still going strong. And no end in sight. What did you promise to change in the New Year? How long will it last? How much effort will you put in to make your changes successful? Putting enough effort into keeping our bodies healthy? Put that much energy into our sobriety. Watch the improvements that comes over us. For me every morning is the greatest day. Spending the day and everyday sober. A good feeling that never leaves you. Never did me.

see ya’ next time


A couple in a restaurant ordered a steak and wanted to carve it themselves. They said it wrong and the waiter tied a cow to the table and set a cleaver in front of them. The same couple bought a gift at a store and asked to have it wrapped. They said it wrong and the shop owner wrapped the husband on the head with a rolled up newspaper. The couple went sightseeing and asked the host for a clear sharp view to sit and take pictures and swim in the ocean. They said it wrong and the host brought them a chair with tacks on it and the wife sat down. The wife of the couple wanted tea brewed from fresh picked flowers. She said it wrong and the host started stuffing the plant and the muddy roots in the wife’s mouth.

see ya’ next time


When we are new to another language sometimes words get lost in the translation. A couple wanted to ride two horses and a dog walking along side of them. They said it wrong and they put a saddle on the husband’s back,a leash on the wife,and a dog dish with food in it. The same couple walked into a restaurant and ordered pancakes and wanted them flipped. They said it wrong and the waiter flipped the guests over the table. In the same restaurant they ordered spinach with a fork. They said it wrong and the waiter brought in a pitch fork full of hay. The wife of the couple asked a dance instructor to teach her a twirling dance. She said it wrong and the instructor started twirling the wife over his head. The wife of the couple asked for a fly swatter. She said it wrong and the host started swatting the wife.

see ya’ next time


A strange story came to me today. I’m from a northern state and all my life I have heard the story about going to Arizona for the winter. Because people say it is warmer here. This is my first winter here. The story about being warm in winter than a northern state has more hot air to it than Arizona has. Heat in winter in Arizona is a hot-air story the Department of Tourism cooked up. Stories from Hollywood Movies. Woke up one morning with my nose frost bitten. I had to stick it in the oven for a half an hour. I wanted to light a candle. The matches too frozen to light. May as well be living on Tobacco Road. First time in my life I look forward to 100 Degree weather. Enjoy the heat. It never lasts long enough.

see ya’ next time


Going to bars and drinking is never about the content as it is about change. Mostly showing up to see what’s new. Inspirational reading can create changes. Good experiences happen while reading. Begin the New Year with a new outlook. In every recipe there is always an ingredient to leave out to make it more appealing. This tastes good today. I wonder what they left out. What a fine mess I got myself into. Treat sobriety like a recipe not a ball and chain.

see ya’ next time


12 Eggnog Lattes

11 Cappuccinos

10 Cups A-Brewing

9 Cocoas Steaming

8 Shots A- Pouring

7 Gingerbread Lattes

6 Peppermint Mochas

5 Perfect Shots

4 Pounds of Beans

3 Coffee Presses

2 Cups of Tea

And a Barista in a Green Apron

see ya’ next time


Every Christmas of my sobriety is my holiday cheer. Being sober is the only holiday spirits anyone needs. The New Year is coming on. Add another year and another sober Christmas to cheer. With being sober everyday feels a little bit like Christmas. Being sober is the best Christmas you could ever give yourself. Then we will truly have a jolly Christmas every year.

see ya’ next time


Sobriety is a creation of a new life by our choosing. Same as the despair when the first drink was started. We make decisions in life and how they turned out was our own creation. Is the strange mix of ideas and a mess of things. Creations of deceptions that issues could not get worse than the present. Where did this strange thinking begin? Staying a loyal drinker these thoughts will remain. Clouding and distorting our normal reasoning. The trek back is no jog in the park. Just a jog of twists and turns. We survive years of alcohol abuse and sometimes not finding contentment. We go in circles with confusion and doubt. Creative ideas in hand. Sometimes the future gives us a cold feeling. Like a dark shadow following us. Cold with the thoughts of guilt. Comes the often asked question “what is in the future for me”? My future was to remain sober. Being a writer to help the world. Many years ago I didn’t know what to write about. Then sobriety came along. We created our problems we can create solutions. Turn from the frigid cold and stay near the fire. There never can be too many books and good blogs to help the world find peace of mind. We create ideas and make changes along the way. We created the drinking lifestyle for ourselves so now create a sober one.

see ya’ next time


On the job in a factory we increase the flow. Racing against production and time. The job well done is a great reward. Finishing production on time and early. Staying within quality. Why we don’t put this much effort into improving ourselves is hard to explain. When it comes to learning the sober life the book closes and gathers dust. Accidentally gets donated. The list of alcoholics anonymous meeting schedule gets left in a coat pocket for months. Our party schedule never gets lost or forgotten. When it comes to reading the bible or attending A.A. meetings we have a dozen excuses. A friend calls we leave for a party at a moments notice. Invitation to a party and we have a burst of energy and come back to life. No energy for the bible? Start production and create a better life and keep the steady pace. Always keep learning and improving yourself. For the rest of your life production will be made and you will always stay in quality.

see ya’ next time