Searching for a space to fit into to hide our disgrace from the world. Large enough to cover us so no one will notice. Desperate to leave society for a short while any place will do. We oftentimes carry this small space feeling with us being stuck to us. Nothing can loosen it. In the addictions life its all about restriction. No feeling of freedom. Limited only to “use and recovery”. What options do we have? We tolerate the life never fit in. We lie to ourselves. This is the worst thing we can do. No better than doing it to someone else. We pretend we don’t care. Our tears falling like rain tells us another story. How long can we keep this up before we get tired of it? Feeling cold and wanting to quit the Booze but for some reason we delay it. Hoping for a change? What could possibly happen? Getting worse is the answer. Waiting for someone to tell us there is a caring soul that will help us? There is in ourselves. People in rehab that teach us a better way to live. Discover your true worth and never look back. To the ruins we lived in for awhile. A match to the ruins of our lives. Accept the loss and move on. Daily reflections of life and improvements can make simple changes. The feeling of being deserted and left wondering where to go next. Why the wait? Dazed and confused as we wander on. Stop walking in circles. Books offer life experiences of people who had a miserable life like ours. Offer solutions on how to solve them. We already imitated their life of hardship. Imitate their solutions. Worked for them why not us. They discovered life has good things to offer. Come out of the cold wind and rain and leave the feeling behind. Life has meaning and purpose from what we put there. Not long after we will discover that sobriety is a constant mood of “Reflections of Soul”.

“We will make it through the rain”

see ya’ next time

Author: seven.7diamonds

We have been through a lot and we need each other to help struggle through our hardships. Let's sit down and discuss our issues and remain loyal to ourselves and our sobriety. My name is Carl Lane and I will be a part of our sober group discussions and whoever else wants to join us. Everyone is welcome. let's begin.