Torrid is the dry conditions and the rain feeds the land like human lives one then the other from hardship to a better life. The life of booze is a parched life and no one is without it and no one receives any special status the sober life is honor and loyalty then our moral status will arrive shortly after. We chose to live a desolate life with poor soil and no rain to feed the soil like the human mind we plant some moral understanding add the rain then wait for the big harvest we call knowledge. Dig and claw the parched earth then planting stones hoping they will grow this is the life of booze a worthless land without hope put in hard work and sweat only to see a dead harvest. We need to raise up our egos just enough for us to believe we are too good for addictions and relapse and the drunkenness and mockery being our preferred style and guilt is not for debate or meditate or allow it to exist. What good is it? Meditation and sobriety? We must be strong and brave to win the battle against our own hardships and the victory of sobriety will be ours.

The life of booze will never give us the best thing in life. Sobriety.

See ya’ next time


The rain deprives the wilted flower

The addictions use to the human life

The darkness to the morning light

The moral life to the sins of man

The booze denies creation of a sober man

Wading in the confusion of life

Drowning in the high tide of the life of booze

In the hours of every morning after

We search for the exit from this booze inspired madness

We now confess being sober is our only source of comfort

Booze will never last leaving it all in the past

Live sober and leave the sorrows out of all the coming tomorrows

see ya’ next time


Spend your hours riding high and drunk then the time will come drinking too much too long. Tired, weak, and broke as we complain in the morning after to find it more acceptable to live with it than without it. Booze was never a source to inspire common sense but we push it aside to perform strange ideas but we don’t know what they are we have to get drunk to find out. Enough is enough finally happens then it’s all a matter of time you will be knocking on my door asking for help to save you. Comes the sun and the teary-eyed haze weaving and staggering through a maze of drunkenness and every morning after we ask why we live this way and we never give ourselves an answer but we stagger onto the next binge why I’ll never know. Who does know? Forget this stay sober. A lot of binges have come and gone and we admit none ever made any sense.

When you need a lifesaver I will be waiting for you to arrive.

Here’s my address to find me:

see ya’ next time