Details of a tragedy will be from mild to intense disasters will always tell a true story. People leave out what they have to hide. The more that is concealed the more mild it becomes is why searchers never gather the whole truth for this reason. Tucked inside our conscience are the partners in crime. Being bothered by this night and day will drive us to madness. Graveside visits and strong booze will never make this feeling go away because booze created the tragedy and more to put an end to the memory then drink too much again to kill our brain . No one carries more guilt than the next person. Who will be the survivor? The one who led you into the crime or the last one to follow the group? Drinking more booze will be a constant reminder of what can happen when you drink too much. Remaining sober and let the fear of booze burn in our bodies to keep us from getting too close again. Images of the tragedy makes us want to hide from ourselves and the memory remains the same. Admitt you made a mistake and never repeat it is the easiest way to cope with a tragedy. The memorial of your friend is not in the graveyard it is you staying sober for the rest of your life.

Don’t be the cause of your own death or another friend.

“Your sobriety is your friend’s memorial”

. see ya’ next time


Looking down into the snake pit death in the eyes, fang and venom waiting for the moment to kill. Coming home to the strange ways of life reaching for the small pills for thrills. More action with the “powdered poison” on the tongue. Having had enough becoming dazed and confused coming off your high to make room for more. Staying long hours until the collapse of the brain. Rested and ready for something new light up the pipe to fill your body with chemical and smoke. You said goodbye to the world without a prayer for yourself while sitting in a trance waiting for the next party to begin. Sad that you decided to kill your brain. On the crack house door is a sign that reads “welcome to the house of Rigor Mortis.” Slow movements another dose choosing a slow death with the final twinge of the fingers and toes. The end is near. You got what you asked for looking straight ahead with a gaze in your eyes alive looking dead. You wanted to be a real decaying corpse in your grave. Not this time . You stayed alive to go back for more. Stay in recovery and search all the Crack houses for all the fragments of your brain.

. Was the loss all worthwhile to you?

. see ya’ next time


A guilty conscience, foolish choices and showing off our lack of sense are the reasons we all party in the dark. Hiding from each others faces and mostly our own. The shame of the dead boozer is covered by the shadow across the tombstone. The epitaph is left off by request so no one will know how much of a fool you made of yourself. Buried with the shame of your life with all the other unknowns. In the rotted casket below filled with water, worms, and a green layer of mold on the skin. The only value in life was spending money, booze and destroying your brain. Just another pauper and more to follow. We dig our own grave and we lay in it. The final service with a short prayer by an unknown sympathetic soul there to grieve for a friend of his own. Quit the booze and save your money so you can be buried in a better place and not be tossed into the landfill.

“In charity field with the paupers and the prisoners”

. see ya’ next time