The most true form of energy comes from having success after a long struggle of failure. Making good decisions is a feeling that comes at times and the next step is the hard work and study of sobriety and the success of fame and fortune. Even more energized that we did it on our own with the help of books and the advice from other recovery people. Self-importance has finally arrived in our new life and we worked hard to create it and now we must use common sense to protect it and not be careless an lose it. Temptation is the worst evil in every life it creates a disrupted life and regrets and depression when we follow it where it leads us and other boozers will urge us to relapse and join his group of weird followers. Constant drive to keep yourself away from their urging telling them you want a better life and send them away and you may return when you decide to live a sober life like I do. Push out your failures they only make you weak. We need knowledge for survival to keep us alive and smart not dumb and careless. This is our new life live it sensible and sober and brag about it to yourself.

Bums and booze and worthless chatter was our choice yesterday and now today we chose to be smarter.

see ya’ next time


We are the cause and damage of our own breach of duty failing to do what is expected of us turning away from our duties not caring about our safety rather be disruptive and rude and miserable with no interest in personal qualities of any kind. No control over our behavior not wanting acceptance in society only in a crowd of boozers and rejecting the better person found in the sober life. There is no such thing as skill or luck in the life of booze just the bottle to hang onto not a solid future like a skill and a plan to improve us and when the bottle is empty the depression begins crying for more.

It takes no smarts to do our simple duties and do what needs to be done so why get drunk to avoid it? Spending too much time giving advice to other people trying to control the lives of others and not a few minutes for our own life. We want to see other people improve and not wanting them to be failures like us so why not join them? Lack of confidence? Lack of something that holds us back then we try harder to escape booze and not wanting to return again ever then we want a better life and be a responsible adult and do our duties that we must do without complaining.

Breach of duty is mostly intentional human failures like avoiding sobriety is.

see ya’ next time


Back in the day when I was a boozer I walked into a liquor store for some beer and told the girl at the counter that I didn’t want to drink. She said you are the third person who said that this morning then added you could start a sober group. I said maybe I could put a sign on the counter that reads: If you don’t want to drink call this number and the girl said it would be a good idea and she said I could. I never printed a sign to place on the counter but I never forgot the idea.

It is true that we drink because there is nothing else to replace it

Scenarios like these are carved in stone as it must be I haven’t forgot it in fifty years.

Why didn’t I forget this?

see ya’ next time


Doing things the same way as everyone else is boring as applies to most subjects like art and music and planning a night out and what to do there. Traditional forms means following the leader but not always a bad thing like learning ideas to be a writer but a bad idea following people into drinking and drug use because we feel it is the ultimate good time with a disaster in the end. We need to compose a better plan for a good time and write a new meaning for everyone to follow creating a parade out of the weekend binge and ruins of life. This is a time more people are following the sober crowd and high on life and not the addictions anymore. The addictions life has declined over the last few decades as I have witnessed so it is time to follow the new traditional form of living a sober life. It is a tradition to drink to have fun but is it a fun time? Not when the morning comes. There is no variety in drinking parties but the things to do on a sober evening is endless put your imagination to work. No one likes to stay home on a Friday night go out and do whatever but stay sober doing it. The drug and alcohol crowd defines and lives a worn out traditional form that we are not interested in anymore sobriety defines traditional forms in a new and better way it’s new so live it sober better than getting drunk and feeling ill.

If you don’t like what you see turn away and do something else

see ya’ next time


Sage is a spice known to create wise men is Greek meaning the wise person. He stayed within the boundary of a moral life because he wanted the good life and found safety there and didn’t want to leave. Free to travel the earth pushing the profane life aside only allowing wisdom to enter gathering pieces of wisdom to add to his collection made him a very wise man. When anyone needed advice on any subject he would be sure to have it. We need to imitate this wise man and to turn away from the evils of life addictions are the biggest issue and the worst we can ever understand and impossible to live. Sprinkle some sage on our food in the morning and we will be on our way to becoming a wise man not the barroom dunce we performed for years. The problem causing our drinking, people will aggravate us about it, disgusted that we cannot quit all combined into one big ball of confusion each one adds more stress and it keeps on building. Live the sober life stress free and don’t start boiling over stay on simmer. By choosing to become a wise man and old sage in time you will lead yourself into a calm life.

Living the sober life is the spice of life

see ya’ next time


People tell us that when we get drunk we are potted. This is true because all of us boozers are blooming idiots. We are good natured slobs who hands out favors and too generous when we had a few too many and any amount isn’t too many. We get an odd idea in head and off we go without thinking it over first this is the way it works when we start drinking and ending in odd places with odd people. There are cravings for booze in sobriety and diets. We must not give in to our cravings and if we do we will be getting drunk and obese.

Booze is bad enough then we trade our common sense for a weekend binge then back to good sense until the next binge? If we had good sense we wouldn’t drink at all. All us boozers are slow in catching on we all do in time.

We drink booze as a painkiller then again in the morning after?

Too busy drinking booze to take the time to become a sympathetic soul.

Sobriety is the lighter side of life

see ya’ next time


Drinking booze and finding fault with everything we don’t have the smarts to understand.

Hour after hour and several drinks later and not any smarter

Year after year and many binges later and still not enough sense to quit.

Plans were never made to escape the life of booze

Perhaps a value existed there that was worth staying for

Awakening to the truth and all the years believing there was

For what it’s worth can go both ways booze or sobriety

We need to choose to live worthy lives or worthless lives

Which one do you find your pleasure?

see ya’next time


The way the life of booze is lived is tradition the order that it’s done is form. Booze is focused on celebrations and as a habit it is always our first choice and a sense of style to us and our loyalty to bring us to it and design the evening of the booze of choice as a fashion statement and quick to complain if coffee is served instead. Is like we feel we have no choice than to get drunk to celebrate an event or any special occasion so get away from the traditional forms of drunkenness and parties and stay sober during the occasion getting drunk on nights out is on it’s way out getting old and start planning new routines without the booze and with practice coffee will come to mind as the new traditional form. The best way to have nights out is not including bars and clubs and eat and drink coffee and stare at the night lights and while you are staying sober admire how you just improved your evening by changing your bad habits night out and designed a better one.

You just stepped away from traditional forms

Sobriety is our life of choice not booze anymore

see ya’ next time


Getting connected in life means more than grabbing a bottle of booze then to be disconnected from reality in the morning after. Connected to the better side of life means to choose a future of smarts how much did booze teach you? We live as fools not to accept and change our actions making us worse by refusing to end it allowing it to get worse is our own creation and so is the sober life and we will choose it as soon as we get connected to reality and the longer we refuse the sober life more drunken binges continues on. We need to be attached to some active learning and amusement and sobriety and end the days of agony ahead. The way we brag up the addictions life we make it sound like a country club we just joined then we get tired of the hardships pounding on our brain then we will soon join a sober club is a better choice than the choices of deadly doses. Shackled to the life of addictions with a chain long enough only to reach the next dose where two inches more sobriety would have been in our grasp instead of booze not enough chain for us to reach for our rescue. The life of booze is the Royal Order of the Shackle where everyone is chained to the life.

Laying dead with our bony fingers around the booze of choice proud to have died on the shackle.

see ya’ next time


Torrid is the dry conditions and the rain feeds the land like human lives one then the other from hardship to a better life. The life of booze is a parched life and no one is without it and no one receives any special status the sober life is honor and loyalty then our moral status will arrive shortly after. We chose to live a desolate life with poor soil and no rain to feed the soil like the human mind we plant some moral understanding add the rain then wait for the big harvest we call knowledge. Dig and claw the parched earth then planting stones hoping they will grow this is the life of booze a worthless land without hope put in hard work and sweat only to see a dead harvest. We need to raise up our egos just enough for us to believe we are too good for addictions and relapse and the drunkenness and mockery being our preferred style and guilt is not for debate or meditate or allow it to exist. What good is it? Meditation and sobriety? We must be strong and brave to win the battle against our own hardships and the victory of sobriety will be ours.

The life of booze will never give us the best thing in life. Sobriety.

See ya’ next time